I. 授权
The Department of 教育宣传 has the authority to award Continuing Education 非学分Programs的学分.

II. 持续教育单位的定义

A. The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a unit that certifies participation in non- 学分继续教育Programs.

B. One Continuing Education Unit is defined as ten contact hours (one contact hour being equal to 60 minutes of instruction) of participation in an approved 和 organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, 和合格的指导. When appropriate, a decimal fractional part of a Continuing 教育单位可获颁,但不少于0分.每个程序1个CEU.

3. Programs资格
Non-credit Programs for which individuals may be awarded Continuing Education Units 应符合下列标准:

A. The program shall be planned to meet the educational needs of a specific target population 受过专业训练的人.

B. The following program elements shall be determined during the planning stages 和 prior to the time 这个Programs is approved for implementation: program 目的 和 objectives; student performance requirements; evaluation procedures suitable for measuring the effectiveness of program design 和 operation; 和 the number of contact hours to be recommended for satisfactory 完成 of performance requirements.

C. The program shall be of an instructional nature sponsored or approved by an academic unit of the campus most appropriate for determining the quality of program content 资源人员.

D. Provisions made for student registration shall include the gathering of sufficient information from the student to ensure a permanent record of individual participation. 

IV. Programs评审和批准程序

A. Program review 和 approval shall be the responsibility of the Department of Educational 外展. The most appropriate academic unit shall recommend to the Department of 教育宣传 whether CEUs are to be awarded for a program, 后 determining that 这个Programs meets the criteria outlined in Section 3. 审核和批准 shall be consistent with procedures utilized in connection with other non-credit Programs 由学院赞助.

B. Upon receiving the approved program, the Director of 教育宣传 will review the proposed program to determine compliance with CEU policy.

C. Programs must be submitted for review 和 approval no later than two weeks prior 到程序开始日期. 授予ceu的决定 不能 被制成  这个Programs已经提供了.

V. 政府

A. At 科霍马社区学院, the administrative responsibility for all Programs awarding CEUs shall rest with the Department of 教育宣传.

B. The Department of 教育宣传 shall maintain records of all CEUs awarded no less than seven (7) years, along with a complete listing of all approved CEU Programs. The form 和 content of these records should be consistent with nationally recognized st和ards for the maintenance of Continuing Education Unit records for students 和 Programs. Procedures for recording CEUs shall be established by the Office of Academic Affairs/Chief Academic Office 和 the Department of 教育宣传 at Coahoma 社区学院.

VI. 计算对比增强超声

A. In computing the number of Continuing Education Units to be awarded, only the number of complete instructional hours, or the equivalent, shall be considered (for example, 一个涉及15,15的Programs.25, or 15.5个接触时数最多为1个.5 CEU). Approval procedures for “equivalent" activities shall be the same as procedures Programs审批. CEUs may be awarded for up to a maximum of 10 hours of instruction per day, assuming that students have no work commitment during the day, 和 for up to a maximum of 5 hours per day, 后 working hours.

B. Calculations of contact hours involved in a continuing education experience may include 以下要素:

  • Classroom or meeting session time with direct participation between the learner 和 讲师或讨论领导.
  • Field trips (minus travel 和 other administrative time) 和 other experiential course activities may be awarded CEUs, but only on a basis of at least two experiential hours 所需的每接触小时的教学.

C. 以下是ceu可以执行的活动  被授予:

  • Credit Programs carrying academic credit, either secondary or collegiate.
  • 取向 Programs that deal with such internal topics.
  • 委员会会议或其他业务活动.
  • Policy assignments, conferences, delegate assemblies, or similar meetings for policy-making 目的.
  • Attendance at entertainment or recreational lecture series, cultural performances, 还有社会活动.
  • Work experience, on-the-job training or apprenticeships do 不 qualify for the award of CEUs, unless structured as part of a planned educational experience that fulfills 这些Programs标准.
  • Study, assigned readings, reports, written assignments, 和 other related activities 在课堂或会议安排之外.

7. 颁发ceu的程序
在 完成 课程的讲师必须提交一份完整的包 以下列出的信息.  所有不完整的数据包将被删除 返回 给Programs主管/指导员.  所有材料必须提交给部门 的教育外展工作 五个 business days of the non-credit program’s conclusion.

A. A completed Participant Application for CEU Credit.

B.typed alphabetized Attendance Verification Roster 包括 活动名称,location活动日期Programs负责人姓名,名称 教练 和 将获发的ceu数目. The roster should include every participant's name. 花名册必须由 the 教练 that attendees met the minimum requirements for satisfactorily completing 这个Programs.


D. 每日签到表格

8. CEU费用

A. All fees for Continuing Education Units shall be determined by the Department of 教育宣传.

C.The fee for a duplicate Continuing Education Units certificate is $15.00.

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